Editor's Essay

Know more about our editors’ daily lives and enrich your knowledge about plastic surgery


No Pain, No Gain - Botulax 2



It has been one month since I had Botulinum Toxin on both sides of my jaw. To be honest, I have not noticed any dramatic changes; maybe because I see my face everyday to tell the difference. I do feel certain changes, the muscle on my jaw softened, and I also feel sore when I chew things hard. Of course, I was very cautious not to eat any excessively hard food, but still, I have not been WOWed as much as I expected.



Today, in order to share my after-one-month review, I had to compare the photos taken before and this morning. And it was.......SURPRISING.






My jawline had indeed changed over one month! I have been thinking that it was the bone to make me have square jaw for my entire life so far, but it actually was very developed muscle. If I had known it, I would have started this injection much earlier!






Is there anyone, just like me, who hesitates to have Botulinum Toxin injection? Anyone not sure if they are bones or muscles? Come visit us and talk to us, share your feelings with us! We will be here to assist you so that you can make the right decision to find your own beauty! I will be there as the living evidence to welcome you! :-)



   Editor_sunny 김선희

* Posting update : 2024.04.25